About Sunda
Poetry (by me)

I have always written prose and poetry of sorts in diaries I keep. It wasn't until 2021 during Covid that I joined a poetry group through Tumblr and started to write more regularly.

I enjoy poetry as it allows me to feel, to spend time in thoughts and moments exploring their nature. This is one of the reasons I have come to like rhyming poetry (I do both). Rhyming is a craft that requires you to spend time in the writing, exploring alternative words, ipso facto exploring alternative feelings and meanings. That to me is the core of poetry, exploring, reliving and making sense of things.

I have denoted some of the shorter pieces (Haiku and Qualia). These are shorter pieces intended to convey 'moments of connectedness'. I like these as they feel closer to some sort of conscious realisation in the world.

There is also some original poetry in Echoes & Meditations.


> 2023/24

> Alternate Pathways

> 2022

> Changing what is Real
> 2021 & earlier > Melancholy
> Accident   > Chance Raven Encounter
> Dementia   > Disconnection
> Five Kilometres
> Echoes > Nagasaki
> Meditations  > Answering the Call
> Seeing Self
. > Weird
> Potted Plants
> Tempest
> August Morning *
> Seeking Whales *
> Travel
> What are You Doing
> Found
> Early Morning (City)
> Wander
> Walking to Work
> Cold
> Winter Parakeet
> Thoughts
> Demigod *
> Little Things
> Sometimes Bleak *
> Early
> Beach Afternoon *
> Residue
> Arguments
> Distraction
> Walking Home *
> Nice Things Lost
> Transit
> 6th September 2010
> An Ugly Piece of Writing
> Untangled
* Haiku & Qualia (Moments)
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Last modified 17.03.23