Borrowing Darkness
28 February 2022 (amended 14 July 2024)

Darkness is a blanket,
I use to take away the need to be,
grants time out from the world,
to concentrate on me.

Unwinding and untangling,
knots so very twirled,
reclaiming sensibility,
to a me that is unfurled.

I was taken for a ride,
they cruelly played my vulnerability,
darkness let me wind it back,
restored my faith, and my civility.

But in borrowing darkness lurking danger,
as the mess I do unpack,
I find it all so very comforting,
…that I’m not going back.

Prompt:Borrow the Dark


Shop Art, Haji Lane, Singapore.
The Present (Contrary) Index, Moments Crossing a grey line
copyright information Copyright Sunda 2022