Uncovering Emus
22nd April 2023

You need a moonless night,
to uncover emus in the sky…

The still lake waters that come with it,
channel calmness through times well beyond our own,
beyond the jump, jump, jump,
of the world we find ourselves among.

My tear ducts weep through tiredness,
the work week behind me on the road,
squawk box arguments on Voice are everywhere,
peddling ill-informed opinions,
not grounded in the land on which we stand.

Unnoticed a pelican,
scribing a meandering path,
under artificial pier light,
quietly gathering a feed in the name of reconciliation,
in the inky reflections of the night.

Prompt: Jump, Jump, Jump.
Inspiration: The opinions on the Indigenous Voice to parliament
that are currently everywhere in Australia.

A Confusion of Pelicans,
Kangaroo Island,
South Australia.

Winning Poetry (mine) All of a Sudden We Are Here copyright information Copyright Sunda 2023