Answering the Call
24 October 2021

In the silence between,
I feel it there,
a force unstated;
powerful …bare.

Life is full,
I do not answer,
choose instead,
distracted banter.

I sense it’s flow,
and when travelling …by,
touch the void,
and feel the why.

But am called away,
by livings to make,
material things,
in my wake.

It colours me still,
thoughts and view,
defines how I see,
what I do.

Family calls too,
love, care,
I remain displaced,
from what I know is there.

It is calling now,
and I feel it the same;
but differently this time,
…I hear my name.


Prompts: Heard my name, Confront the silence. “

Answering the call, Nam Tso, Tibet.

Nagasaki Index, Moments Seeing Self
copyright information Copyright Sunda 2021