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...Sketches from Sketchbooks

I usually carry a small sketchbook and a few pens in my work bag with the intention of drawing ..and spending quiet time with the world when I can manage to find, which isn't very often.
  31.05.23 Desk lamp downstairs in Stella's bedroom.
Often used this table to work or to do poetry from.
  Ewie and I used to drop into the Blackcat after attending meditation sessions in Brunswick Street (during Covid times). This was a very quick sketch during those times.
  Another in the same vane as above. Pink Moon by Nick Darake playing in the backgtound (my introduction to Nick Drake), Tuesday night...
  Another Blackcat sketch. They have artwork for sale on the walls and this was of one of the paintings...

Sitting outside State Library of Victoria. I would have been on my way to or from somewhere, perhaps the regular doctors I go to in QV next door.

Cant recall what the 'not good' referred to. I think it was the quality of the sketch.


22.5.21 Another Sate Library of Victoria forecourt sketch. The words in french were from a banner advertising a display I seem to remember.



30.12.21 Crappy camp chair. This would have been down at the Prom. We have been going down each Christmas for most of the kids lives.

I remember I wanted to practice getting geometry right.


28.1.12 Sketch at ''Waters Edge', also known as the purple house where we stayed a couple of times down at Loch Sport prior to having Victoria Parade.

Mum & Dad and Beck and Mick, maybe Cam & Heath, and all the kids of course would have been down there.


7.3.12 Drawn from the sidewalk of my favourite cafe in Arab Street area (Khandihar St?). I would have been drinking chai (sweet ginger tea), and had a pasrtry or two (muslim pastries - not so sweet and filled with something).

This was known as the blue cafe and was just down the street from Keypoint where I first worked in Singapore.


11.3.12 Tea tree trunks drawn at Wilsons Prom (mt oberon in the background), on a labour day trip.


10.8.12 Drawn on a visit to Tokyo for work. Would have been looking at obsdervation wheel (I cant even remember who for now). I remember the feeling of being there but not the details of where.

I have a photo that repoduces this in the photo libraries


20.11.14 One of my favourite cafes near Sring Street )Little Bourke I think). I used to come here for quiet time to myself sometimes on the way back from meetings to absorb what had just gone down.

Old father figure French guy ran it with his daughter there helping out often. Thin pastry with ricotta inbetween. Simple and good.

  20.11.14 Sketched in the cafe under John Wardles offices. Not sure where this was from. It comes with the date 15.11.94 which may have been the date of a magazine or picture or something in which the quote came from?

2.12.14 Remember this being after work one night dropping into a Japanese place for a little quiet.

Time amongst the flow of people to just sit and spend time for a bit.

  16.2.15 Sketched from the lawns opposite 1 Nicholson Street (Orica House), when Arups offices used to be there. Would habve been one lunchtime.
  23.2.15 Sketched one very early morning flight to Adelaide when I used to go there with Arup. I liked the quiet time I got around those trips, the Qantas lounge breakfast and dairy writing time while waiting for the plane.

15.4.15 Emily Gap, Amoonguna. This was on the first Bower studio trip I ever went on, which eventually led me to join Melbourne Uni (with David O'Brien).

Would have been early morning before every one was waking.


15.4.15 ...and again experimanting with lessening levels of detail. Therer are a couple of other sketches in diaries somewhere with less and less detail done on the plane on the way home.

The news of Trump having won the US election was waiting for us when we landed back in Melbourne I seem to recall.

  6.5.16 Anothe lunchtime sketch from Parliament Gardens across the road from Arup's offices in Orica Building (1 Nicholson Street)/
  17.5.16 Asia Centre trusses at Melbourne Uni (which I designed). Notes relating to things around that time, the tree we had to be careful not to affect in building the building and my accident makes me think I had some reflective time there at some stage, perhaps around visiting David O'Brien and Bower Studio?.
  28.5.16 Trip with Arup to Dubai. Was with Alfasi looking at some steel job over there. I loved that trip, time to look around the old city by myself, observing and absorbing.
  18.8.16 Parliament gardens lunch again.
  24.8.16 and again.
  28.8.16 Arounf orica building (1 Nicholson Street) again but unsure of where. Seems a high aspect, maybe from the office at some stage. Arup had levels 16,17,18 negotiated in the wake of 9/11 by Chris Graham when 'no one wanted high office tower floors).

1.9.16 Emilia Trattoria. Met a few people here for lunch as a part of Arup.

Hidden in the lane at the rear of the CBA building cnr Elizabeth and Bourke. Great atmosphere and artwork strung around the walls. i loved it here.

  3.9.18 Terrible drawing of the chooks (19 Millicent back yard) proving how hard I find it to get geometry right when reproducing.
  16.1.19 Fairy wren from one of the Christmas Prom trips. Lazy days doing the odd sketch if the fancy took me.

4.10.19 sketch from the cafe on the pier at Circular Quay I used to like in Sydney. Would have been for an i-Hub (UniMelb) trip.

I used to get the airport link straight into Circular Quay and spend some quiet time setchiung, thinking, and in this case listening to Silver Jews...


9.11.19 Yangoon, Myanmar.recruitment trip with UniMelb and Fabien. So so good. Fabien was great, we did good stuff with the schools and I absolutely revelled in the travel experience.

This would have been from the hotel room.


14.11.19 This was inside a small cafe (Hanoi House), where I had been left after Fabien headed off to do something else for a bit. So nice sitting there taking in the astmosphere and absorbing the detail through quietly sketching.

Probably Hanoi (I remeber walking around the lake) but not 100% certain.

  16.8.20 Firepit on our back balcony.

Halong Bay, Vietnam. Family holiday with the kids which I loved. Ange not so much (this bit anyway), as it was on a boat.

This would have been from up on the top deck but we had a room with a window looking directoly out to sea. My ideal thing.

  Detail 1 from above
  Detail 2 from above

I think this was in the hotel i stayed at when doing Kota Kinabalu. I remember the local group they had doing Papparazi by Lady Gaga. That albmun was so huge in Asia as it spoke to the underlying repressed sexuality may young feminine inclined males felt in particular I think.

I was ill and didnt manage to make the top - unfinished business with that Mountain!

  Same as above again. Pacific Sutera must have been the hotel.
  26.11.22 Sketches of exagerated MBS Skypark and Singapore Flyer I literallly had in my dreams. Unusual for me to dream so literally about work things.
  17.10.14 Bronson in one of his favourtie positions overlooking the back yard.
  17.10.14 and drawn on the same day one of the Buddha statue faces.
  20.10.14 Another Parliament Gardens lunchtime sketch.

18.11.14 Parliament Gradens lunchtime sketch looking back at Orica House where Arup's offices were.


Lunchtime sketch in the Heart of Carlton cafe. One of my favourite places around Uni in Elgin/Johnston Street. Michael and Nadene.

The hearts and lettering are timber artwork and fitout by Michael.

  16.5.23 From a dream (pretyy certain it was the same date as below but not 100%.
  16.5.23 Form from a dream.
  Sketch of house from trip to Aceh with David O'Brien. That was a great trip. David awesome to travel with and really did good things by me.
  ...and another
  ...and another
  5.9.23 Anothe Circular Quay sketch. Mu favourite cafe closed and now I have to go to the more tourisy ones under the rail line looking back to the quay.
  13.9.23 Heart of Carlton at lunch.
  Marios. My favourite Italian cafe (in the East). This was breakfast before one of the A?VI board meetings. I catch up with John Cherrey here for lunch also.

Drawn from memory. The guy (must be on the spectrum), who stands in the lake at Christmas time looking back to shore. He is there for hours at a time.

Kind of nice. That sort of thjing si all around us if you look for it.

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Last Modified 11 06 2023