red LED lights broadcast petrol station fuel prices,
scouring traffic noise from the freeway an arm’s length away,
traffic lights and intersections, wash buckets for windscreens,
the sound of turning tyres on loose black stones.
here disappears to horizons on each side,
…of whatever, wherever, this place is.
This place ...it
is drawn out isolation, and it is utility,
no cosiness of city streets or gentrified cafes here,
here are microwaved pies and dollar coffees in take away cups, lip burning
plastic lids offering no care, taking no responsibility,
here are the absent expressions and unresponsive natures of disinterested
cash register attendants… forlorn, and downcast.
The forever twilight
that exists here offers space for the interplay of thoughts,
but be careful, it is not for thinking;
for nothing is resolved here by the road,
…only passed through.