23 January 2022

Long and fragile tendrils,
shepherded this way that,
no return from straying,
falls all end in black.

Caution mediation,
take the middle way,
no news being good news,
means live another day.

Preciousness becomes the young,
the little in our care,
safety first my loves ,
to risk please do not dare.

For to break a tendril;
life and all it has to give,
and without your futures ahead of me,
I wouldn’t want to live.

But as my tendril starts to taper,
it’s not risks averted I see,
it’s the opportunities lost,
that hover over me.

For what could have been but was not;
I shed a little tear,
for from the safety I so coveted,
it seems I grew just fear.

So for the little ones I grit my teeth,
and push them to beyond,
the fear of a tendril not colourful,
has become so very strong.

Be your better selves,
don’t shy from anything,
err on the side of taking risks my loves,
make life …a mighty …fling.

Shoes (Skater Girl)

The Big City Index, Moments The Air in my Diary
copyright information Copyright Sunda 2022