Knowing Little People
24th October 2022

I didn’t know the little people growing up,
they visited the bottoms of other children’s gardens it seemed,
but looking back now I can see the fruits of their labour in my life,
and I realise they were there all along,
exactly as my nana had always said they would be,
…guardian angels …looking over me,
they were borne from her generosity
and the unwavering love and kindness she had for others I expect,
were conjured up from the simplicity in life she valued so much.

They kept me from danger,
lifted me when I fell,
were there when I needed them most,
casting their little spell,

…and I am grateful,
thankyou Nana.

Prompt: I didn't know the little people

Coastal Hillock,
Elliot Bay,

New Zealand.

A Convenience Poetry (mine) Until We Go copyright information Copyright Sunda 2022