Crossing a Grey Line
24 February 2022

Grey is the colour of no focus, of looking aside,
of conveniently allowing convictions to slide.
Politeness and civility enable what is under,
unspeakable abuse, tearing young lives asunder.

A sense of Grace jolts us, dares to ask why,
calls out the Tameness that lets it pass by.

Pushed back on as impolite, by eyes that can't see,
spouting watered down rhetoric, amongst the debris;
…and a tune on a ukulele in the background seems mocking,
emotional colour-blindness, so fucking shocking!

When leaders forsake the children in our care,
there are no excuses, only evil laid bare.

And we,
are left,
in despair.

Prompt: The grey line and the gift


Creek weed with flower
Borrowing Darkness Index, Moments A Week Without Sun
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